About Us

Our Background & Humble Beginings

Ragdoll Kitten Zone is a small scale hobby breeder of Ragdolls. We are fully committed to not only breeding to the best of the Ragdoll breed standards, as well as working to ensuring the breed has a healthy future. So how did it all begin? Well, we first fell into the world of Ragdolls whilst house hunting. Yes, I kid you not! During this particular house viewing, we were befriended and followed around, just like you would expect a dog to ... but by a cat! The cat was a Ragdoll. Not only did its friendly puppy like behavior catch our attention, so did it’s captivating oval blue eyes and silky long fur. She was utterly exquisite. We were so enchanted by this encounter that we decided to research the Ragdoll breed. This is when we discovered that all the endearing features of the cat we had seen, were in fact standard traits of the Ragdoll breed.

Welcome to Ragdoll Kitten Zone

We love our four Ragdolls and our gray tabby, who is about 5 years old. Jack comes over nearly every day to run and play with our cats, so we have a lot of fun watching their antics. Our Ragdolls are sweet and relaxed, and will sit with us and keep us company wherever we go. If we leave room, they follow us. If we leave the house, they run to us when we get home as little puppies would. It is a pleasure to come home and be greeted like someone important! We want to give them the very best care that we can. We feed them healthy food and take them to the vet for shots and checkups regularly. We have invested lot of care and love into our journey of becoming Ragdoll owners. Each step was exciting as the last, and now as Ragdoll breeders we are ready to help you start your adventure!

Wish to Take a Trial?

Ethical hobby breeders of pedigree Ragdoll cats. Committed to a healthy future